electronic stuff from Aulis Vierhovssen

2009-12-14 00:25:00
As some of you may know, I've been playing electronic music for many years (as well as leading the group russian electronic music here on last.fm). Within a couple last months I took the covers off my synths and recorded a few tracks after several years of taking a pause. Please feel welcome to check them out at this address: http://www.aulismedia.com/musique/. "Paparazzi" is an // rendition of Lady Gaga's song, and the "Ryby" is a pure / track in the style of early The Orb. Enjoy.

Всем привет от ласт.фмовской группы russian electronic music. После нескольких лет молчания, я расчехлил свои синтезаторы и вновь начал записывать музыку. Кому интересно, приглашаю ознакомиться с образцами, тут прямые ссылки на два мп3 файла: http://www.aulismedia.com/musique/.